Thursday, January 21, 2010

GladRags giveaway

If you missed out on last week's LunaPads giveaway, or you didn't win, you have an opportunity at another great giveaway for a set of cloth menstrual pads.

Last week's giveaway was in honor of my preparations for this weekend's seminars at the Eugene Home, Garden and Living show in Oregon. I have two presentations prepared. I'm not sure which ones I will end up giving since there has been some concern about whether or not the content is family-friendly or if I may offend any of the more conservative attendees.

What am I planning on talking about? The first talk I have planned is called Potty Talk and will cover everything you ever wanted to know about switching over to cloth wipes (instead of toilet paper) and using urine as a nitrogen fertilizer. The second talk is called Sex and Sustainability and will cover alternatives in menstrual products, contraception and the chemicals/materials in adult toys.

I'm really hoping to be able to do the Sex and Sustainability talk since I think the information in it is valuable and not at all salacious. Anyway, this second talk will have a show n' tell section at the end with items from what I'm covering: cloth pads, a DivaCup and alternative adult toys. That part will be salacious :)

One of the items I'll have with me will be a sample GladRags pad so people can get an idea of what they look like if they've never seen them before. As such, this week's giveaway is sponsored by GladRags themselves and they have generously offered up this almighty starter set, the Color Pad Sampler Kit, and the winner gets to pick out whatever print they want!

The Pad Sampler Kit contains the following lovelies:

  • 3 Day Pads
  • 3 Pantyliners
  • 1 Night Pad
  • 1 Classic Carry Bag
  • 1 Mesh Laundry Bag

    To enter to win this GladRags Set, they ask that, in addition to adding your name to the comments of this post, you comment with something from their site. For example, something new you learned, a product you would most like to try, or a print you like the best.

    You have until Saturday, January 23rd, at midnight PST to sign up. I'll announce the winner when I get back next week. Good luck!

    1. I would love to get some of their Solid Egyptian Blue pads. I never thought about a bucket for mama cloth, I always stored mine in a wetbag. Very interesting.... I may have to try that out.
      -Amy Estrada

    2. I use the sea sponges in place of tampons, and really enjoy how easy they are to use and to care for. I love the floral print for gladrags pads.

    3. Those fun prints actually look fun, something I never thought I'd be able to say about menstrual products! I would love to get into the habit of using these, so that when my daughter is a teenager (about a decade from now), I can introduce her to using cloth pads, and she will never even have to know about the other, awful plastic kind... ugh.

    4. I have tried the sponges, too and love them. I'd love to try their bucket kit, because I always worry about how to avoid stains on reusables...

    5. I only have a few LunaPad and would love more. While I just sleep in them or wear them around the house (I wear organic tampons the other time) I need more than I have.

      I learned you can cut the sponges to fit better. I may have to try that because I won't do the diva cup do to the fact that I'm 99% sure it would be way to big (TMI but the smallest, no app. tampons I get are still a bit to big).

    6. I love my luna pads but I need more. I use a Keeper during the daytime but at night I would love another Night Pad in the Rosebud color.

    7. Well, I didn't know that people who have used cloth pads experienced shorter periods! That's cool.

    8. Nice site. I rather like those pink affairs and would really like some extras to replace my somewhat unreliable home made jobs.

      viv in nz

    9. Thank you for offering this giveaway. I really need to have more supplies like these in the house so I am throwing my name in the ring!

    10. I'd love to win some of these. I think I like the fun prints the best. I didn't know that they also sold reusable gift bags - I make my own, but its nice to know that those are also for sale.

    11. So I popped over to their site and found sea sponge tampons and am very interested in trying those out (wondering if I can compost them), the have the moon cup (my top choice for a Diva Cup) and I of course am intrigued by the Mamma cloths. Haven't decided on a color, but I kinda like the pink patter you have showing.

      I want to know more about green contraceptions. I currently have an IUD and will probably have my tubes tied when I have that removed, but I was wondering what my other green althernative. My IUD is copper not chemical, FYI

    12. I would love to get my hands on some GladRags! On the GladRags site, in addition to the cups and sponges and pads, there are a variety of products that are smart and empowering for the ladies. I noticed a Kegel Exerciser and CycleBeads, which I'm interested in. Also, I'd try the natural lube in a heartbeat!

    13. I love the Sea Sponge Kit. It's a great reusable, all-natural internal menstrual option for us ladies! Very nice.

    14. I love all of the options they have on their site. Their bucket kit is probably the best thing i can find on their site. I love that you can order organic cotton options as well

    15. It was good to read that there are no plastic or nylon inserts in GladRags. Also good to see they are made in Portland, OR. I have ordered some cloth pads I like from Australia, but I feel bad about the shipping distance.

    16. I like how much detail is included in the information center. It is difficult to be the first one to switch to a so called alternative method.
      ~ E. M.

    17. I learned that fabric softener (in addition to having harmful chemicals) makes gladrags less absorbant, and your should be able to keep them from staining!

    18. I was skeptical that I would learn something new but I did.

      Who knew that you could use sea sponges instead of tampons!

      I would like to win some eco-friendly pad to use when my current stash runs out.

    19. I would love to win this. I would choose the *fun* design if I could pick. I do not have any cloth /luna pads, etc. so even if I dont win I will try to buy some soon.
      -Tiffany WIlliams

    20. I would love to win this! I've had my GladRags for nearly 15 years and they are just now starting to get worn out--they are durable, to say the least! I went to the site and I would love to get the soaking bucket and bac-out product. I've never really soaked very much, but when I get new ones I think I will b/c they do smell a bit without it (kinda gross to say that...).

    21. Wow, so glad to see that so much is available. (I've never thought to online shop for this stuff. I only see what my health food store carries, which is the Diva Cup, and they never have my size.) I'd love a set of pads! -Elisabeth S.

    22. I had no idea the pads last so long- one reviewer said she's had hers for 13 years. I only have a few reusable pads, not quite enough to get me through my cycle, so I'd love to win!

    23. I was tickled to see the gift bags on their site -- I like to use cloth bags for gifts during the holidays, and how cool would it be to order some cloth pads to give to my sister and get a pretty cloth bag at the same time?

      I wish more women knew how much more comfortable the cloth pads are than the paper ones. No more skin irritation or infections! Love them. Would be thrilled to win some Glad Rags -- I've been using homemade pads, but mine aren't as well-designed as their lovely ones.

    24. Because of my age, my period is extremely heavy. I would love to be able to use something eco-friendly and save money. On the Glad rags site it says you can use up to three inserts for your heaviest days. I would need three!!!

    25. I like the kit because you get a bucket and cleaner solution. But I think the name "Gladrags" is unappealing.

    26. I wasn't sure, but it seems like the organic cotton ones only comes in undyed? That would be a little disappointing. However, the natural family planning bead kits are really cool!

    27. I don't have any cloth pads so I would really like to win this! I've been wanting to switch but somehow with a new(ish) baby in the house, I keep forgetting/not having time to do anything about it!

      I really liked the new mom kit. I think I would have gotten this before I had my baby had I known about it.

    28. Ooh, I hope I win! Getting reusable pads is one of the things on my list to do. Making changes one thing at a time is how I roll.

    29. I would have never for the life of me thought that sea sponge could be used for tampons ! Sounds like mermaid tampons to me :o)
      I will start with the luna pads if I win this giveaway, then try the moon cup I've purchased but never used yet, and then... mermaid tampon, perhaps ?

    30. I love that they have cloth gift bags -- and if my rubber version of the DivaCup ever gives out I may be in the market for their silicone one. Hope I win!

    31. I've always been interested in trying the sponges ( but I've never actually gotten around to it.

      Also, I had never considered it since so far it hasn't been an issue for, but the natural yeast infection product, Yeast Arrest, seems pretty neat ( I don't imagine yeast infections are really something new and people ages and ages ago had to figure out how to fix it then without all the chemicals available today.

    32. I am all for the cotton glad rags, and was interested to see the cleaner they are packaging with the pads. I've been using cloth pads for 17 years now....i love them.
      I also wished I lived in eugene to take your sex and sustainability and also the class on using "swipes" instead of toilet paper. I have brought this up to my family and they ahve turned their noses away with an "ewwwww, gross" Maybe I should just boycott toilet paper and then they will have no choice.
      Also, ladies, your teenage girls will have their own ideas about menstrual products. just set a good example.

    33. I would love to be able to replace my old reusable pads that back up my menstrual cup. I learned that Glad Rags don't have a nylon backing, as some reusables do!

    34. I would love some Glad Rags. I love that they offer organic cotton options and the kits that include everything for cleaning them as well are very tempting.

    35. Thank you for another opportunity to win these wonderful alternatives to icky disposables! At the GladRags site I learned they have an organic, undyed cotton option! Can't get any body-friendlier than that! Yay!

    36. Love the new mom kit. That's a great idea. I'd love to be entered in the contest!

    37. I haven't visited their site in awhile and I love that gladrags now offers reusable gift bags. What a perfect way to give gladrags gifts!


    38. I've been using the keeper for a while but have been frustrated at having to wear a disposable pad to deal with occasional leakage. I really like to site's suggestion to use a GladRag day pad or pantyliner as backup. It sounds much more comfortable than paper/plastic, and I would love to try it out!

    39. I have read about these for some time, but have been pregnant or nursing, and haven't had the need. Now that baby is weaning himself, I have had to use panty liners. It kills me to throw them away. So I would LOVE these! I took a look at the website again, and it was very nice. I had no idea that sea sponges could be used in this way. But what I liked the most was the three system pads, because after nursing/pregnant this long (7yrs with 3 kids) who knows what each day brings? Thanks for the fun givaway!

    40. I didn't know they are made in Portland, Or. So, not only are they eco-groovy just by the nature of what they are. . . it's even eco-groovy for me to buy them since they won't have to travel to far to get to me!
      rhubarbsky at gmail dot com

    41. Hello from a lurker!
      You probably already know, but you're in the NY Times! Congrats. :)

    42. Since I am no longer in need after a hysterectomy, I am actually looking at this for my pre-teen daughter who could have her wonderful moment any month now. I love the teen kit they created.

    43. I love their oilcloth carry bags. Great giveaway, and I'm happy to know more about Gladrags.

    44. I have a set of the Organic cotton day pads and a set of the Colored cotton day pads. I love them both!

    45. I would love to win this item. I would then buy the sea sponges that I saw on their website and see how that works for me (can't use the cups because of other reasons).

    46. The sea sponge kit intrigues me. The rosebud color pads look great too.

    47. The blue dots would almost make that time cheerful! I only have 2 washable pads now and they are great to supplement my cup. Would love a few more!

    48. Oh, I love the floral prints (both!), as well as the orange fun print!

    49. I love that they have made such a fun kit idea with the "Bucket kit". I have one gladrag that I've been using and I'll probably get more, they're just a little out of my price range right now. Although winning a set would be AWESOME!!!

    50. I would love the ice cream dot pads - they are so cute. I would love to try sea sponges! I use the Keeper now but am intrigued! I didn't know about the sea sponge.
      I'd love to win - thanks for the giveaway!


    51. Oh man! I really would love to win these! And I totally like the fun design set!

    52. I have been making cloth pads for months now--and I haven't found anything so far that works for me. I didn't even know about the sea sponges! I am facinated and will be ordering some of those soon! I actually really like the blue dots the best. Thanks for the chance to win this--and thanks for all you do, I learn so much!

    53. I like the undyed cotton pads the best, nice and simple. Wondering if there are wetbags on the site? I didn't see any. thanks for the giveaway!

    54. I would like to be entered in the contest. I've been thinking about switching to these pads, and this just might make me do it. I didn't realize how many different sizes there were.

    55. i love love love the bucket kit.
      and i ran across that kegel excerciser. heeeeeellllllloooooo.

    56. My twelve year old daughter just started her period and I REALLY want her to join the GladRags Guerillas! I need to get her started off right - sign me up to win some GladRags!

    57. Selling environmentally-friendly laundry products is a great idea. Also, I'd never seen those sea sponges before. I gave up tampons for safety reasons years ago, but remember fondly the convenience.

      I love using cloth pads - they work so much better - but some new ones would sure be nice!

    58. Cool! I had no idea that you could use sea sponges as tampons! Now I will have something to use for swimming! I wasn't into buying a cup for just that once in a while occasion!

    59. I am now considering the Diva Cup Kit. But, WTH is this Energie Kegel Exerciser all about??!! A weighted Kegel exerciser…LOL!!! Seriously?

    60. I love it when a company packages kits and especially kits for those just curious to try them... but to have a kit that includes the bucket to clean your product in! ...If you don't draw my name for this drawing, I may have to pop over and get one of their bucket kits.

    61. I am impressed at the variety of options on the Glad Rags site - especially the sea sponges. I had no idea and am quite interested to give them a try. Looks like there is a store in my area (sort of) that carries some of their products. Thanks!

    62. This comment has been removed by the author.

    63. I didn't know the pads were made to last for five years. That's awesome.

    64. I have thought about cloth pads for years. I've been a little nervous about leakage though since I usually tampons AND pads. I never realized that you could put multiple inserts into one holder to increase absorbency.

    65. I checked out the site and found some sea sponge tampons they are neat.. And they would save me so much money and help mother earth.

    66. I like the pink dots best. I have not been able to use a cup. My body totally rejects it so I am trying to figure something else. This would be a great solution, and I'd love to get it free to try before I fork out more money!

    67. I already use a DivaCup, but I'd love to have the option of using cloth pads interchangeably on the days I just don't feel like inserting the cup! Their information center is great. While I was aware of all of the benefits, I didn't realize that one of the "real" causes of TSS was that tampons cause tiny tears in the canal. This may also explain why I cramped horribly using tampons but never do with my cup.

    68. I use the diva cup and used to use Luna pads but have switched to Go with the Flo pads/liners ( As weird as it is, I'm often "surprised" by what print I find on the liner when I use the restroom--since I don't pay attention when I grab one out of the cupboard. I'd love to try GladRags and their many print options.

    69. I have been using cloth pads for about a year now and I've been wanting to get more. I love the festive polka dot prints, but my favorite is the Egyptian blue.

    70. I used to sell pads and having been wearing cloth pads for 20 years so I am fairly well informed. I was pleased to see that glad rags don't have a waterproof layer, not necessary IMO. Not enough attention is paid to using organic cotton, I see that they do offer organic cotton pads, wish sometimes that the organic cotton options were not just plain unbleached. I like that they offer different sizes.

    71. Okay, Crunch, have you used these? How do they stay in place? Consider me entered to win! (but I am still buying a damn diva cup after all your urging... hope it isn't uncomfortable for me like TAMPONS are...

      Melissa in Chicago

    72. A little confused... in order to win we post here but also say something here about their products/website? Sorry to be dense. Wish I knew more about how these things work/stay in place/keep the flow from going straight through. So my comment is I didn't easily find that on their website :) I did fan them on Facebook though. So did I win or what??

      Melissa in Chicago

    73. I would love to win this set, and when I went to the site I discovered their Sea Sponge Tampons - something I will be ordering soon whether I win these or not!

    74. I learned that if I sign up for their newsletter, I save 15% on my next purchase. Useful tip for everyone who doesn't win...

    75. I love the sea sponge tampons, and I' really glad to see that Glad rags still offers them. I really want to get some purpose-made cloth pads, too. They don't bother me, but my huz cringes every time he runs across my rustic home-made jobbies in the laundry (clean, btw, lol).

    76. This comment has been removed by the author.

    77. I got so involved in my last comment that I forgot to follow the rules. I love the blue dot pattern. Winning these would be great!

    78. I love these products! So pretty! Would be very happy to try the sea sponges too - what a great product!

    79. I love all of the colors! I also love how the cotton is organic. :D

    80. The oilcloth carry bag is so smart! Love the dual compartments with one side being waterproof. The hibiscus pattern is my favorite.

      Krista R

    81. I like their cloth gift bag idea. Something I will try to make in the future. I have tried cloth panty liners and would love to try the pads.

    82. Pick me, pick me! Love the pink ones! Those gift bags are really cute, I would use the heck out of them. Thanks for the chance!

    83. I would love to have these. This month is my first month with the Diva Cup and I am struggling mightly. If I get the hang of this cup thing I wanted to use the glad rags as back-up and for the days you need "coverage" but not a cup. Of course if I don't get the hang of the cup I want to switch from disposables.

    84. I went and visited the Glad Rags site again. I really like the organic undyed pads. Seems like they would be really nice for sensitive skin.

    85. This is perfect timing. Just today I noticed I am out of disposables so now I can switch to cloth ones! I read about the bucket kit on the glad rags site which was helpful. I wasn't sure how to store them. I would love to win this!!!

    86. I use a DivaCup [or just regular pads when she will just not have anything inside of her]. I would love to have reusable pads, too! I do find it a bit amusing that I would go from avoiding floral scented products to ones that have floral prints on them! I really liked the rosebud holder.

      Also, I didn't know that GladRags also sold the Diva, Keeper and Moon cups. That's awesome!

    87. ME ME ME ! Would love them!

      emycone at yahoo dot com
