Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mother Earth News post

Grilled pumpkinFor those of you recovering from watching the debates last night (especially those of you playing the drinking game every time John McCain said "my friends"), here's some lighter fare for you.

So, please check out my post over on Mother Earth News, Grilled Pumpkin with Rosemary and Sea Salt. I'm happy to announce that I'll be posting over on the Mother Earth News blogs about once a week.

For those of you who have been reading my blog for a while, you'll know that Mother Earth News is one of my favorite magazines that I reference frequently, so I'm pretty excited to help contribute to their online presence.


  1. I love reading the MEN! Congrats!

  2. I stopped drinking during the debates after the VP debate last week. We were using the word "maverick" at the time. I LOVE Mother Earth News. Congratulations!!!

  3. Fantastic news! I love your blog and love Mother Earth News! What a great combo!

    "my friends", and "maverick" are words I never want to hear again... Ugh! :(

  4. My friends, do you think I could be a maverick and use an acorn squash instead of a pumpkin here?

  5. Sharon - an acorn squash would work as well.

  6. Well how cool is that! I love the Mother as well, and even let myself subscribe to their print version. You are a force to be reckoned with Crunchy!

  7. The pumpkin looks good- LOL I was wondering if anyone else thought he said "My freinds" a bit much!

  8. congratulations and that recipe looks delicious. :)

  9. Yay! Good stuff. Also not 'my friend.' Find it so condescending and patronizing.

  10. Way to go re: mother earth news :)

  11. Miz Crunchy, once upon a time I did love the Mother Earth Of News. But then I moved to the tropics. Wood Stoves, early sprouting of new plants, wintering over the garden, and so on, well, when my subscription ran out, that was it. That was 30 years ago. But I am glad to know that Mother still has so many fans in the wintry realms.

  12. oh, hooray! how cool for you and for me - another place to get my 'chicken fix :-)

    My friends ... LOL

    best wishes!

  13. I've used "my friends" before when writing, and I shall never be able to use that phrase again.

  14. Welcome to the Mother Earth News community, we're thrilled to have the crunchy chicken!

  15. That looks incredible! I can't wait to try it!
