Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How low can you go?

I survived the Freeze Yer Buns Off Challenge '08My green friend, Thistle, was inspired by Sunday's post to create a t-shirt of her own, honoring survivors of the Freeze Yer Buns Challenge. It's hard to read the tag line at the bottom, but it says "I survived the Freeze Yer Buns Off Challenge '08".

So, for all of you proud, frozen peeps out there, go check out the collection. Although the thong might be a bit chilly.

And, Vanessa, while you're at it, I have a suggestion for future merchandise (this one's just for the guys):

Ladies, I'm really much bigger.


  1. HAHAHA! That is so crunchy-racy! I love it... although I don't think I could ever make out with a guy wearing Condie on his chest :)

  2. :-) And what happened to your canard, when I made that suggestion, that NO one would want to see it?? hm??

    no, really, hilarious.

  3. Very Seinfeld=esque.....Shrinkage!

  4. I'm still waiting for more of those "Freeze Yer Knockers" t-shirts!


  5. My husband loves it cold so we keep it pretty cold, doesn't work out well in the summer but I turn the AC way up while he is at work to help make up for it. The problem is while we are with my in-laws for now they don't like it as cold lol.
