Saturday, December 22, 2007

Got Crabs?

Animal, Vegetable, MiracleThe winner of the Animal, Vegetable, Miracle book giveaway contest goes to Rachel for her entry, "Got Crabs?".

Mr. Crunchy, as an impartial judge, helped with the final decision based on my top choices. Runner-up was Spice's "Holy Crab!", but the double-entendre of "Got Crabs" was the clincher.

Everything I Want to Do is IllegalHowever, given the overall utility of "Holy Crab!", which I've integrated into far too many conversations already, I've decided that the runner-up will receive my copy of Joel Salatin's Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal.

Rechelle, I was hoping you'd enter "Holly Crab Balls", but alas, you didn't. Loser.

So, congratulations to Rachel (who has also artfully mastered the DivaCup this week)! And to Spice for the runner-up prize. Let me know if you don't want it!


  1. I just want to take a moment to thank the Academy of Crunchies for this momentus award.

  2. What the... - I did so enter it!!! My entry was the best one too! "Stuffed crab" how could you not pick it. I protest these results! Protest! Protest! I think I may have been a day late, but I did enter and mine was CLEARLY the best! Merry Christmas to you and yourn Crunchy! God bless. Now send me my book!

  3. rechelle - I saw your entry. I'm just saying that if you had submitted "Holly Crab Balls" instead of what you did enter, well, you may just have won.

  4. And I'm just sayin' that my entry was the BEST one! Just kiddin' I'm really okay with it. No really - I am okay. I am going to be just fine. It doesn't really bother me at all. Really. Really. No, really.

  5. We should do Everything I want to do is Illegal as a book club. I love that book!

  6. I'm honored to receive the runner up award. Thank You all you Crunchies.
    I hope the Crunchies have a great Christmas.
