Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Omnivore's Dilemma book winner

Omnivore's DilemmaHere is the moment you've been waiting for....

The winner of The Omnivore's Dilemma book giveaway is: Loving Green. Apparently, begging does somehow influence the random number generator gods. Who'd a thunk?

[LG - Email yer info to and I'll send it your way.]

For those of you that missed out on the last book club or want to continue with another round, the next book we'll be reading will be Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver, based on the reader's poll.

Since almost 20 people are interested in Garbage Land, I might just start up a second book club later in the fall. If those of you who voted for Animal, Vegetable, Miracle are also interested in reading Garbage Land, let me know and I'll wait.

The next book club starts in September, so you have this month to acquire the book and start reading. The first discussion post will start off slowly until everyone has their books and a chance to start reading!

Stay tuned!


  1. I am curious about both books. Perhaps we should read them both at the same time, but time the commenting further apart. School's starting up for me, so I'll have less time, but I'd still love to be a part of the book club! Another book you might consider reading is a Carl Hiaasen. It is fiction, but Hoot, and Flush are both very good, and all about environmental activism.

  2. Yeah - I won something!!! Thanks for the great giveaway!!!

  3. I can't wait. :) Now to find a good used copy. :)

  4. I Love that book!

    On a related/unrelated topic:

    If anyone wants to take action around the latest lead in toys recall, we created a group, have a petition up on The Motherhood:


  5. I recently switched to being vegan and both books sound great! We are growing our own veggie garden now so I hope we can make headway with that too. Great blog!

  6. Count me in. I recently read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle and loved it. It was cool because I read it in the spring, same time as I was flower shopping, so I ended up bringing home vegetable plants too and I'm so glad I did. I planted cucumber for the first time and we've been eating cucumbers off of my one plant for a month now and no end of the things in sight. Really amazing how easy vegetables are to grow and you get that feeling from reading Kingsolver's book that even you (or me) could grow cucumbers.

    Count me in the book club.

  7. Count me in for the book club. I am interested in both books.
