Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Low Impact Week - Crunchy Chicken style

Environmental CupcakeFor those of you wondering how Low Impact Week is going for me, here's my report.

*Kept the heat low (which wasn't an issue due to the heat for some of the days)
*Didn't use A/C in the car
*No TV (except we did watch one DVD)
*Forgot to unplug some of the major appliances until Sunday
*Line dried all the clothes except for one load (hung laundry outside!)

*Collected water from all showers and used to water garden
*Took shorter showers or used the toggle water saving shower head

*Ate mostly vegetarian (okay, so one serving of Copper River Salmon snuck in)*Planted a dwarf fig tree, dill, brussel sprouts, acorn squash
*Switched to drinking organic soy instead of organic milk
*Used cloth bags at the stores
*Shopped at a farmer's market for the week
*Focused on getting local produce over produce shipped in
*Bought very few pre-packaged foods

Long term
*Worked on my compost pile
*Switched out 7 CFLs
*Signed up for 100% green energy

In addition, I continued many of the other things I already started last month that I've mentioned in previous posts.

All in all, I think I'm doing pretty good. I had a few slipups at the start. I'm impressed by how much some of you did during the week and I can definitely say you are my heroes!

Stay tuned Friday for the Low Impact Week contest.


  1. yfHey there, Crunchiquita-

    Did you see my post on a possible side effect of CFLs? It's here: CFLs/insomnia (way down at the bottom of a long post).

    At this point, months into playing with it, I'm pretty convinced that CFLs were what kept me from sleeping for 15 years. I'm still sleeping like a child these days- unless I'm on the road, and don't notice that my motel has nifty new CFLs in all the fixtures- then I don't sleep until 1 or 2-

    I think folks need to be aware! Doesn't mean you can't use CFLs; just that you need to be careful of exposure around bedtime.

    Seems to be true for ME, anyway.

  2. Crunchy,
    Congrats! And truly, thanks for getting all of use excited and prepared to be a part of this week. All the LOW impact is a result of your initative! You rule!

  3. Hi there! This has been a great week - thanks for the inspiration!

  4. I'm glad you're doing good things this week because I feel as if I've fallen off the bandwagon and been run over by it - all because of the rush of graduation (and I don't even have a child of my own graduating).

    Rushing and living green are in inverse proportion to each other.

    One of the benefits of greener living might be slower living. I'm fried this week from lack of time to think.

    Keep up the good work. It makes me happy to know some of you are doing good things for our home planet.
